
Showing posts from April, 2023

about our latest AI, ChatGPT

  What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, specifically GPT-3.5. ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like responses in natural language conversations. Defines ChatGPT itself. Let's dig deep and learn more about GPT. You can converse with the chatbot in a manner akin to that of a human being using ChatGPT, a natural language processing tool powered by AI. The language model can provide information and help you with tasks like writing emails, essays, and code. Although ChatGPT appears to be very impressive, it still has limitations. These restrictions include the inability to respond to questions that are phrased in a particular way because it necessitates rephrasing in order to comprehend the input question. A more significant drawback is the poor quality of the responses it provides, which occasionally sound plausible but are excessively vague or verbose. check ChatGPT using this li

TPACK, what is TPACK?

  PACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It is a framework that describes the knowledge and skills that teachers need to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices. TPACK emphasizes the intersection of three types of knowledge: Technological Knowledge (TK): This refers to an understanding of how technology works, including knowledge of various digital tools, software applications, and their functionalities. It involves knowing how to use technology effectively and efficiently.   Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): This pertains to knowledge about teaching and learning processes, instructional strategies, assessment techniques, and classroom management. Pedagogical knowledge focuses on understanding how to engage students, deliver content effectively, and create meaningful learning experiences.   Content Knowledge (CK): This represents expertise in a specific subject area or discipline. Content knowledge involves understanding the concepts, th


   WHAT IS JOURNI? Journi is a mobile application and online platform that allows users to create and share digital travel journals. Thanks to this application, users can upload photos, and videos, add tags and locations, write texts about their own experiences and even create custom maps to show their travel routes and places they visited. At the same time, it provides much more features like trip planning, recommendations, and the ability to collaborate with friends and family on shared journals. This app allows you to look through the journals of other users and find inspiration for your own travels. You can look for journals by place or interest, and you can follow other users to stay up to date on their most recent exploits.

about Seesaw

  Seesaw is an online platform and educational tool designed for students, teachers, and parents to facilitate digital learning and communication. It provides a digital portfolio where students can showcase their work, collaborate with peers, and receive feedback from teachers and parents.   Students can record and upload images, videos, audio files, drawings, and other types of digital content to their individual portfolios using Seesaw. They can reflect on their work, record their learning progress, and share it with their teachers and fellow students. Additionally, students can comment on each other's posts and give feedback to one another.   Through Seesaw, teachers can create assignments, distribute resources, and give instructions. They are able to assess student work, provide tailored criticism, and monitor advancement. Several assessment tools are supported by Seesaw, including the ability to annotate, grade, and add voice or text comments.   In order to keep up

Padlet,What is Padlet?

Padlet is an online collaborative tool that allows users to create digital bulletin boards or "padlets" to collect, organize, and share information. It provides a virtual space where individuals or groups can collaborate and communicate by adding and organizing various types of content such as text, images, videos, links, documents, and more.   With Padlet, you can create a padlet board on a specific topic and invite others to contribute by posting content. Each post, known as a "padlet," can be customized with different formats and designs.   Users can discuss the content, add comments, and like or upvote posts. A user-friendly interface and a number of features, including real-time collaboration, customization options, and privacy settings, are offered by Padlet.   Padlet can be used for many different things, including interactive discussions, brainstorming sessions, team collaborations, presentations, project management, virtual classrooms, and event

How does Technology enhance Language Learning?

  HOW DOES TECHNOLOGY ENHANCE LANGUAGE LEARNING   Technology’s Evolution                 In today’s worlds, we are constantly exposed to technology in various ways. We use phones, elevators, lights, computers and more. However, before all this inventions and advances in technology humans lived their life differently than we did today. So how did it all start? Well, the first and one of the most important improvements in human life was the invention or discovery of fire. It is hard to determine the exact date that fire was discovered because Homo erectus used and controlled fire long before modern humans came into existence. As such, there is no history of how to control and utilize fire that has been written or recorded. Scientists have come to the conclusion that before figuring out how to start and manage fire for themselves, humans probably observed natural fire events like wildfires. Archaeological research has shown that fire pits were used in Africa as long as as two mil